
Song by Mia Sherwood Landau in 1973

Woman stands at the top of Creation, giving birth to life

 As a mother and a wife to the world

There is strength in her softness and knowledge in her touch

Woman is the warmth at home we love so much

Woman is the heart of Creation 

From her body life flows and her children are those loving life

Woman gives her love and strength to everything that lives

And the more she gives the more she seems to have to give

So deep is the river of woman

Her swift current maintains and swells to capture all the rains 

But still she flows

The joy of being a woman lies in the knowledge unfurled that

The hand that rocks the cradle truly rules the world

Copyright Mia Sherwood Landau 1973

Prayer & Destiny Tuesday Chabura Recordings

  Prayer & Destiny Tuesday Chabura 2024 Call login instructions: Dial 605-472-5544 Access code 847278 No login required for recordings....